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VB.Net Ping

Author: Admin 03/28/2021
Language: Visual Basic .NET


Pings a network/remote device.


Pings a network/remote device using an IP address or domain name.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.NetworkInformation
Imports System.Text
Public Module Ping_Host
    Public ReplyAddress As String
    Public ReplyRoundtripTime As String
    Public ReplyTTL As String
    Public ReplyBuffer As String
    Public PingError As String

    ''' Pings a network/remote device

    Public Function PingHost(ByRef Host_Name As String, ByRef Time_Out As Integer, Optional ByRef TTL As Integer = 128, Optional ByRef Fragment As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal bufferSize As String = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb") As String
            Register.timer1.Start() 'See if the key code is there

            Dim pingSender As New Ping()
            Dim options As New PingOptions()
            Dim PingReply As String = ""
            PingError = ""

            ' Use the default Ttl value which is 128,
            options.Ttl = TTL
            ' but change the fragmentation behavior.
            options.DontFragment = Fragment

            ' Create a buffer of 32 bytes of data to be transmitted.
            Dim data As String = bufferSize
            Dim buffer() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data)
            Dim timeout As Integer = Time_Out
            Dim reply As PingReply = pingSender.Send(Host_Name, timeout, buffer, options)

            If reply.Status = IPStatus.Success Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & reply.Address.ToString() & ")" & " (RoundTrip time: " & reply.RoundtripTime & ")" & " (Time to live: " & reply.Options.Ttl & ")" & " (Buffer size: " & reply.Buffer.Length & ")"
                ReplyAddress = reply.Address.ToString : ReplyRoundtripTime = CStr(reply.RoundtripTime) : ReplyTTL = CStr(reply.Options.Ttl) : ReplyBuffer = CStr(reply.Buffer.Length)
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.TimedOut Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " TimedOut"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.BadDestination Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Bad Destination"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.BadRoute Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Bad Route"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationHostUnreachable Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Host Unreachable"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationNetworkUnreachable Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Network Unreachable"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationPortUnreachable Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Port Unreachable"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationProhibited Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Prohibited"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationProtocolUnreachable Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Protocol Unreachable"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationScopeMismatch Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Scope Mismatch"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.DestinationUnreachable Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Destination Unreachable"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.HardwareError Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Hardware Error"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.IcmpError Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Icmp Error"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.NoResources Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " No Resources"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.PacketTooBig Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Packet Too Big"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.ParameterProblem Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Parameter Problem"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.SourceQuench Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Source Quench"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.TimeExceeded Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Time Exceeded"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.TtlExpired Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Ttl Expired"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.TtlReassemblyTimeExceeded Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Ttl Reassembly Time Exceeded"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.Unknown Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Unknown"
                PingError = PingReply
            ElseIf reply.Status = IPStatus.UnrecognizedNextHeader Then
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Unrecognized Next Header"
                PingError = PingReply
                PingReply = "(Address: " & Host_Name & ")" & " Error"
                PingError = PingReply
            End If

            Return PingReply
        Catch err As Exception
            MsgBox(err.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
            Return CStr(0)
        End Try
    End Function

End Module

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